Prof. K.Kandasamy
Emeritus Professor in Physics
BSc Hons in Physics (Ceylon)
PhD (Keele)
Academic Profile
Admin Roles
Research Grants
Patents, Book chapters and Research Papers
Conference Papers, Presentations and Abstracts
Awards, Scholarships & Fellowship
Conferences/ workshop / study visit
Professional Memberships
Academic Profile
- BSc Physics Honours, University of Ceylon, Peradeniya, 1970-1973
- PhD, University of Keele,UK,1977-1980
Admin Roles
- Elected Council Member from the Senate, University of Jaffna, since November 2015
- Dean-Science, August 2010 to todate, University of Jaffna, Sri Lanka
- Dean-Graduate Studies, September 2005 – September 2008, University of Jaffna, Sri Lanka.
- Director – Local Technical Secretariat (LTS), April 2005 November 2010, University of Jaffna, Sri Lanka
- Corporate Planer, June 2000 – June -2008, University of Jaffna,Sri Lanka
- Chairman-Quality Assurance, Accreditation , October 2004- To date ,University of Jaffna, Sri Lanka
- Head – Dept. Of Physics March 1988 – December 1993, December 1995 -December 1996, March 2000-March 2003, April 2005 – September 2005, September 2009 – August 2010 ,University of Jaffna, Sri Lanka
- Head – Computer Unit,March 2003-September 2005 , University of Jaffna, Sri Lanka
- Student counsellor, October 1985 – December 1986, University of Jaffna, Sri Lanka
- Sub warden, June 1975 – May 1976, University of Jaffna, Sri Lanka
Research Grants
Patents, Book chapters and Research Papers
Conference Papers, Presentations and Abstracts
- Lattice strain gradient effects on hydrogen diffusion parameter calculations , F.A.Lewis, K.Kandasamy and X.Q.Tong , Int.J. Hydrogen Energy ,Vol. 27 (2002) 687
- Palladium- and Platinum Hydrogen , F.A.Lewis , K.Kandasamy and X.Q.Tong, Chapter 6 ,Hydrogen Metal systems II , Eds.F.A.Lewis & A.Aladjem,(Scitec Publications), Solid State Phenomena, volumes 73-75 (2000),207-502
- Hydrogen induced changes of the magnetic properties of iron-chromium multilayers, K.Kandasamy , M.Masuda and Y.Hayashi, J. of alloys and Compounds, 288 (1999) 13
- Hydrogen induced changes of the magnetic properties of copper-cobalt multilayers, K.Kandasamy , M.Masuda and Y.Hayashi, J. of alloys and Compounds, 282 (1999)23.
- Hydrogen pressure and electrical resistivity dependencies on hydrogen content in the Pd81Pt19Hn system, K.Kandasamy, F.A.Lewis, Y.Sakamoto and X.Q.Tong, Int.J. Hydrogen Energy ,Vol. 24 (1999) 759
- Important Gorsky effect influences on diffusion coefficients in metal-hydrogen systems, K.Kandasamy and F.A.Lewis, Int.J. Hydrogen Energy ,Vol. 24 (1999) 763
- Combinations of concentration and strain gradient hydrogen diffusion factors in Palladium alloy membranes, F.A Lewis, R.V.Bucur, X.Q.Tong, Y.Sakamoto and K.Kandasamy. 1998,Ed. T.O.Saetre. Hydrogen Power: Theoretical and Engineering Solutions, 615
- Wire and strip form specimens of Pd81Pt19 alloys as monitors of hydrogen solubility and hydrogen chemical potential , F.A.Lewis and K.Kandasamy Proc .12th World Hydrogen Energy Conf.(Buenos Aires,Argentina), Eds.J.C.Bolcich and T.N.Veziroglu Int.Assn. Hydrogen Energy,Vol.2 (1998) 1033
- The influences of induced elastic fields on permeation of hydrogen in Palladium and Palladium alloys. K.Kandasamy and F.A. Lewis. Internal Report No IC-IR-97-7 ,ICTP.(1997), and Defect and Diffusion Forum, Vols.150-151 (1997), 56
- Hydrogen diffusion coefficients dependencies on hydrogen contents in PdAg alloys. F.A.Lewis, X.Q.Tong , R.V.Bucur and K.Kandasamy , Defect and Diffusion Forum,Vols.148-149(1997),161
- Lattice strain gradient effects on hydrogen diffusion parameter calculations , F.A.Lewis, K.Kandasamy and X.Q.Tong , Int.J. Hydrogen Energy ,Vol. 27 (2002) 687
- Palladium- and Platinum Hydrogen , F.A.Lewis , K.Kandasamy and X.Q.Tong, Chapter 6 ,Hydrogen Metal systems II , Eds.F.A.Lewis & A.Aladjem,(Scitec Publications), Solid State Phenomena, volumes 73-75 (2000),207-502
- Hydrogen induced changes of the magnetic properties of iron-chromium multilayers, K.Kandasamy , M.Masuda and Y.Hayashi, J. of alloys and Compounds, 288 (1999) 13
- Hydrogen induced changes of the magnetic properties of copper-cobalt multilayers, K.Kandasamy , M.Masuda and Y.Hayashi, J. of alloys and Compounds, 282 (1999)23.
- Hydrogen pressure and electrical resistivity dependencies on hydrogen content in the Pd81Pt19Hn system, K.Kandasamy, F.A.Lewis, Y.Sakamoto and X.Q.Tong, Int.J. Hydrogen Energy ,Vol. 24 (1999) 759
- Important Gorsky effect influences on diffusion coefficients in metal-hydrogen systems, K.Kandasamy and F.A.Lewis, Int.J. Hydrogen Energy ,Vol. 24 (1999) 763
- Combinations of concentration and strain gradient hydrogen diffusion factors in Palladium alloy membranes, F.A Lewis, R.V.Bucur, X.Q.Tong, Y.Sakamoto and K.Kandasamy. 1998,Ed. T.O.Saetre. Hydrogen Power: Theoretical and Engineering Solutions, 615
- Wire and strip form specimens of Pd81Pt19 alloys as monitors of hydrogen solubility and hydrogen chemical potential , F.A.Lewis and K.Kandasamy Proc .12th World Hydrogen Energy Conf.(Buenos Aires,Argentina), Eds.J.C.Bolcich and T.N.Veziroglu Int.Assn. Hydrogen Energy,Vol.2 (1998) 1033
- The influences of induced elastic fields on permeation of hydrogen in Palladium and Palladium alloys. K.Kandasamy and F.A. Lewis. Internal Report No IC-IR-97-7 ,ICTP.(1997), and Defect and Diffusion Forum, Vols.150-151 (1997), 56
- Hydrogen diffusion coefficients dependencies on hydrogen contents in PdAg alloys. F.A.Lewis, X.Q.Tong , R.V.Bucur and K.Kandasamy , Defect and Diffusion Forum,Vols.148-149(1997),161
- Uphill hydrogen diffusion effects and hydrogen diffusion coefficients in Palladium, X.Q.Tong,Y.Sakamoto ,F.A.Lewis ,R.V.Bucur and K.Kandasamy, Int. J. Hydrogen Energy, Vol. 22 (1997) 141
- li>Hydrogen diffusion coefficients and strain gradients in Palladium alloys, F.A.Lewis, R.V.Bucur, K.Kandasamy, X.Q.Tong and Y.Sakamoto, Paper presented in the symposium on Metal-Hydrogen Systems organized by the American Chemical Society (1996) Dayton,Ohio
- Uphill hydrogen diffusion effects of hydrogen interstitial strain gradients in Palladium and Palladium alloys .Y.Sakamoto ,H.Tanaka ,F.A.Lewis ,X.Q.Tong and K.Kandasamy , Int.J.Hydrogen Energy ,Vol.21 (1996) 1025
- Influences on rates of hydrogen permeation through diffusion membranes, F.A.Lewis , R.V.Bucur, Y.Sakamoto, X.Q.Tong and K.Kandasamy, Proc .11th World Hydrogen Energy Conf.(Stuttgart,Germany), Eds.T.N.Veziroglu,C.J.Winter,J.P.Baselt and G.Kreysa, Int.Assn. Hydrogen Energy,Vol.1 (1996), 889
- Gorsky- Diffusion-Elastic ‘Uphill’ effects of hydrogen interstitial strain gradients in Palladium and palladium alloys. F.A.Lewis, Y.Sakamota, K.Kandasamy and X.Q.Tong, Defect and Diffusion Forum ,Vols. 129-130(1996) 323
- Hydrogen pressure- Hydrogen content and Electrical resistance-Hydrogen content relationships of Palladium and Palladium alloy-Hydrogen system. F.A.Lewis, K.Kandasamy, R.A.McNicholl and X.Q.Tong, Int. J. Hydrogen Energy Vol 20 (1995) 369
- Influences of self-induced stress on the permeation flux and space-time variation of concentration during diffusion of hydrogen in Palladium alloy. K.Kandasamy, Int. J. Hydrogen Energy, Vol.20 (1995) 455
- Phase and Electrical resistivity relations ship of Palladium alloy- Hydrogen systems, F.A.Lewis, R.A.McNicholl, K.Kandasamy and X.Q.Tong , Proc 4th biennial Int .Symp.Metal Hydrogen systems, Fundamentals and Applications (1994,Tokyo) TuP5.
- Uphill (Gorsky-Diffusion Elastic ) effects of strain gradients associated with hydrogen interstitial expansion and migration in Palladium and Palladium alloys. F.A.Lewis, Y.Sakamoto, K.Kandasamy and X.Q.Tong ,Defect and Diffusion Forum Vols 115-116 (1994) 39
- Uphill diffusion of hydrogen in metallic membranes, K.Ahilan and K. Kandasamy, Proc.Second Annual Session of Jaffna Science Association (1993) Abstracts
- Resistivity variation during hydrogen absorption in Palladium and its alloys .K.Kandasamy, Proc. Second Annual Session of Jaffna Science Association (1993) Abstracts
- Lattice strain gradient influences on steady state rates of hydrogen permeation through membranes .F.A.Lewis , X.Q.Tong and K.Kandasamy, Int. J. Hydrogen Energy Vol.18 (1993) 481
- Gorsky effect consequence of lattice expansive strain gradients in diffusion of hydrogen in metals. F.A.Lewis, X.Q.Tong, K.Kandasamy, R.V.Bucur and Y.Sakamoto, Thermochemica Acta 218 (1993) 57
- Strain gradient related Uphill diffusion Phenomena in Pd77Pt23Hn .X.Q.Tong, R.V.Bucur, K.Kandasamy and F.A.Lewis, Zeit. Physik. Chem.. Bd.181 (1993) S225
- Hydrogen permeation in stressed and strained membranes of Palladium alloys X.Q.Tong, R.A.McNicholi, K.Kandasamy and F.A.Lewis, Int. J..Hydrogen Energy Vol.17 (1992)777
- Strain gradient influences on apparent dependences of hydrogen diffusion coefficients on hydrogen content in the Pd81Pt19Hn system .K.Kandasamy ,X.Q.Tong and F.A.Lewis, J.Phys.: Condensed Matter 4 (1992) L439
- Lattice strain gradient influences on hydrogen permeation through Palladium alloy walls of hydrogen storage electrodes. F.A.Lewis, R.V.Bucur, Y.Sakamota, K.Kandasamy, X.Q.Tong and R.A.McNicholl, Proc. 9th World Hydrogen Energy Conference Vol.1 (1992) 123.Ed.T.N.Veziroglu and C.Drive- J.Pottier
- Correlations with p-c(n)-T Relationships of Strain Gradient Dependent Hydrogen Diffusion in Pd81Pt19 Hn Membranes, K.Kandasamy, F.A.Lewis, J.P.Magennis, S.G.McKee and X.Q.Tong, Zeit..Physik. Chem. Bd. 171 (1991) S213
- Strain induced diffusion of hydrogen in Pd alloy membranes , K.Kandasamy ‘Vingnanam’ J. Science ,University of Jaffna, Sri Lanka Vol.5 (1990) 22
- Spannungsindusierte Diffusion Von wasserstoff in Palladium. J.Cermark, K.Kandasamy F.A.Lewis and X.Q.Tong, Proc. Bunsen-Colloquium of the German Society for Physical Chemistry (1990 October), 7 , Short description
- Influence of Lattice strain gradients on hydrogen permeation through Palladium membranes containing hydrogen contents in and phase concentration ranges, X.Q.Tong, K.Kandasamy and F.A.Lewis ,Scripta Metall. Mater.,Vol.24 (1990) 1923
- Lattice Strain Dependent Uphill Diffusion of Hydrogen in a Pd77Ag23 Alloy Membrane. K.Kandasamy, F.A.Lewis and X.Q.Tong. 1990 Proc 4th International Conference on Hydrogen Effects on Material Behaviour (Jackson Lodge,WY,USA,1989), Ed.N.R.Moody and A.W.Thompson (The Minerals,Metals & Materials .Soc.,(Aime Warrendale PA 1990) 249
- Diffusion of hydrogen in metals. K.Kandasamy , ‘Vingnanam’ J. Science, University of Jaffna, Sri Lanka Vol. 4 (1989) 1
- Uphill Hydrogen Diffusion Effects in Metals Membranes Arising from Combinations of Stoney (Diffusion-Elastic) and Gorsky Effects, F.A.Lewis, K.Kandasamy , and S.A.McKee, Zeit. Physik.Chem. Neue.Folge Bd.164 (1989) S 1019.
- Atomic Dimensional Influences on Patterns of p-c(n)-T and other Relationships of Palladium Alloy-Hydrogen Systems, .K.Kandasamy ,F.A.Lewis, W.D.McFall and R.A.McNicholl, Zeit. Physik.Chem.Neue Folge Bd.163(1989) S 41
- Some consequences of Stoney (diffusion elastic) and Grossly effects on permeation of hydrogen through metal membranes. F.A.Lewis, K.Kandasamy, B.Baranowski, S.G.McKee, J.P.Magennis, P.J.M.Ssebuwufu, S.E.J.Bell and T.J.McBride, Proc.Fourth International Conference(H4) on Hydrogen and Materials Tome 1(1988) 124, Ed.Prof.P.Azou and Prof Chen Nanping
- Hydrogen chemical potentials and phase transitions in Palladium black electrodeposits , K.Kandasamy and F.A.Lewis and S.G.McKee. Surface and coatings Tech.35 (1988) 93.
- Pressure Composition-Temperature (p-n-T) Relationships of the Pd-Ti-H and Pd-Zr-H systems. K.Kandasamy and F.A.Lewis, Zeit.Physik. Chem. .Neue Folge Bd.158 (1988) S 253.
- The uphill diffusion of hydrogen: Strain-gradient-induced effects in Palladium alloy membranes.F.A.Lewis,K.Kandasamy and B.Baranowski, J.Hydrogen Energy Vol.13 (1988) 439.
- The behaviour of hydrogen in group 111 and group 1V transitions metals .K.Kandasamy ,proc. 7th World Hydrogen Energy Conference,Vol.2 (1988) 1109,Ed.T.N.Vezirouglu and A.N.Protenko.
- Subsurface hydrogen absorption and hydride phase transitions in highly dispersed catalytically active deposits of Platinum metals. N.Hannon, K.Kandasamy, F.A.Lewis and S.G.McKee, Proc.7th World hydrogen energy conference,Vol 2 (1988) 1247, Ed.T.N.Veziroglu and A.N.Protsenko
- Hydrogen concentration distribution in elastic membranes during diffusion of hydrogen .K.Kandasamy, Scripta Metall.Malter.,Vol 22 (1988) 479
- The ‘Uphill’ Diffusion of Hydrogen. Strain-Gradient-Induced Effects In Palladium Alloy Membranes.F.A.Lewis, K.Kandasamy and B.Barnowski, Platinum Metals Rev.,32(1) (1988) 22
- Uphill diffusion effects induced by self stresses during hydrogen diffusion through metallic membranes. F.A.Lewis, B.Baranowski and K.Kandasamy, J. Less-Common Metals, 134 (1987) L27
- Changes of resistance, work function and Fermi level during the hydriding of Zr and Sc at 295K. K.Kandasamy and N.A.Surplice, J.Phys.D:Appl.Phys.,18(1985)1377
- Fermi levels of FCC and FCT hydrides of Ti and Zr. K.Kandasamy and N.A. Surplice, Physics Letters. Vol. 101 A(1)(1984)35
- The effects of hydrogen sorption on the resistance and work-function of titanium films at 290K. K.Kandasamy and N.A. Surplice ,J.Phys.D:Appl.Phys.,17(1984) 387
- The Phase boundaries of the H-Er, H-Sc and H-Yb system at 295 K deduced from charges of film resistance .N.A.Surplice, and K.Kandasamy ,J.Phys.D: Appl.Phys.,15(1982) 1117.
- The interaction of titanium films with water vapour over a wide range of pressure and exposures .K.Kandasamy and N.A.Surplice, J. Phys. C: Solid St.Phys.,15(1982) 1089
- The predominance of a surface plane of high work function on Ti films. K.Kandasamy and N.A.Surplice, J.Phys. C: Solid St.Phys.,(1981)L61.
- The effect of hydrogen on the resistivity of some transition metals. K.Kandasamy and N.A.Surplice, Inst. Phys Conf.Ser.No.55(1981) 587.
- The interaction of titanium films with oxygen over wide range of pressures and exposures K.Kandasamy and N.A.Surplice, J.Phys.C: Solid St.Phys.,13 (1980)689.
- The dissociation pressure of GAMMA-Phase Titanium hydride at 20-70o C.N.A. Surplice and K.Kandasamy, J.Phys. D: Appl. Phys., 11 (1978) L157.
Awards, Scholarships & Fellowship
- Scholarship given by the University of Keele, England for the Ph.D. Programme from 1997 to 1980.
- Fellowship(one year) given by the Academic Council of the Queens University of Belfast, U.K. for research in year 1987.
- Guest Fellowship(two months) given by the Queens University of Belfast ,U.K. to participate in research activities 1990
- Guest Fellowship(two months) given by the Academy of Sciences, Czechoslovakia to participate in research activities 1990
- Fellowship (one year) given by the JSPS, Japan for research in year 1997
- Presidential award for scientific publications, year 2000.
- Presidential award for scientific publications, year 2001
- Presidential award for scientific publications, year 2003
Conferences/ workshop / study visit
- Physics conferences organized by IOP, Solid State group, U.K., University of Warwick, England, January, 1978.
- International conference on Vacuum Physics. University of Cambridge, England, September, 1979. Travel and subsistence grant given by the International Vacuum Society.
- International conference on Renewable Energy Sources, University of Strathclyde U.K., March, 1980. Travel and subsistence grant given by the UNESCO.
- International conference on Transition Metals, University of Leeds U.K., August, 1980. Travel and subsistence grant given by the Institute of Physics ,U.K.
- Physics of Solid State Materials, I.I.T. Madras, India, September, 1981. Travel and subsistence grant given by the COSTED.
- Bio-Physics, ICTP, Trieste, Italy, August, 1982. Travel and subsistence grant given by the ICTP.
- Physics of Solid State Materials, I.I.T. Madras, India, September, 1984 Travel and subsistence grant given by the COSTED.
- International Symposium on Magnetic Resonance, I.I.T. Madras, India, September, 1984.
- Winter College on Quantum Optics and Navel Radiation Sources, ICTP, Trieste, Italy, March, 1997, Fellowship(three months) given by the SAREC.
- International Conference In Physics Education, University of New Delhi, India, August 2005 Travel and Subsistence grant given by the Indo- Sri Lanka Foundation.
- Travel and subsistence grant offered by the Academic Sinica, China to participate in an International School on Surface Physics held at China 1990.
- Travel and subsistence grant given by the ADB to visit universities in Thailand in a study tour organized by the UGC in year 2004.
- Travel and subsistence grant given by the World Bank to visit universities in Thailand and Indonesia to participate in the study tour organized by the QAA in year 2005.
Professional Memberships