Emeritus Professor in Physics
BSc (Hons.)(Ceylon)
PhD (Bristol)
Academic Profile
Admin Roles
Research Grants
Patents, Book chapters and Research Papers
Conference Papers, Presentations and Abstracts
Awards, Scholarships & Fellowship
Conferences/ workshop / study visit
Professional Memberships
Academic Profile
- PhD, University of Bristol, October 1975
- BSc Special degree in Physics (First Class Honours), University of Ceylon, Peradeniya, 1966-1970
- Joined the University of Jaffna in 1976
- Prior to that worked in the Universities of Peradeniya from 1968
Admin Roles
- Member, University Grants Commission, May 2015 – January 2020
- Acting Vice Chancellor, University of Jaffna, 05 June 2006 – 20 December 2007
- Dean /Science, University of Jaffna, November 1999 – July 2010
- Head/Physics, University of Jaffna, Feb 1985 – Feb. 1988, April 1994 – Oct. 1995, Jan. 1997 – Nove. 1999
- Head/Computer Unit, University of Jaffna, August 1989 – October 1990
- Head/Physics, University of Peradeniya, Jan. 1978 – Jan.1979
- Visiting Fellow and Lecturer in Geophysics, Department of Geology, University of Durham, UK, Jan1971- Sept 1971
- Visiting Fellow, Department of Physics, Queen Elizabeth College, London, Oct 1971- Dec 1971
- Visiting Lecturer, School of Physics, University of Science, Malaysia, Jan- Oct 1981
- Visiting Fellow and Professor, Department of Geophysics, University of Edinburgh, UK, Oct 1988-Aug 1989
- Visiting Fellow, Department of Earth Sciences, Bullard Laboratories, University of Cambridge, Sept-Oct 1989
- Visiting Scientist and Associate, ICTP, Italy, 1986- 1993
- Professor on assignment basis, University of Jaffna, Sri Lanka, 2001- 2002
Research Grants
Patents, Book chapters and Research Papers
Conference Papers, Presentations and Abstracts
- R.Kumaravadivel, R.evans and D.A.Greenwood. The Born-Green equation for Liquid Metals, J.Phys. F (Metal Physics), 1974, Vol 4 pp 1839-48
- R.Kumaravadivel and R.Evans Calculation of the surface energy of simple liquid metals, J.Phys. C (Solid State Physics), 1975, Vol 13 pp 793-808.
- R.Kumaravadivel and R.Evans Effective pair potentials from structure data on liquid metals, A report presented at the Conference on Interatomic forces in Condensed matter, University of Reading, England, April 1975 (abstract only).
- R.Kumaravadivel Theory of thermodynamic properties of liquid metals, Ph.D. theses , September 1975, University of Bristol, England.
- R.Evans and R.Kumaravadivel Interatomic forces at liquid metal surfaces. A report presented at the Conference on Interatomic forces in Condensed Matter, University of Reading, England, April 1975 (abstract).
- R.Evans and R.Kumaravadivel A thermodynamic perturbation theory for the surface tension and ion density profile of a liquid metal, J.Phys.C (Solid State Physics), 1976, Vol 9, pp 1891-1906.
- R.Kumaravadivel and R.Evans The entropies and structure factors of liquid simple metals , J.Phys.C (Solid State Physics), 1976, Vol 9 pp 3877-3903.
- R.Kumaravadivel Thermodynamic properties of liquid metals, J.Phys.F (Metal Physics) , 1983, Vol.13, pp 1607-26.
- R.Kumaravadivel and M.P.Tosi Pair potentials and structure factors of liquid alkali metals, IL Nuovo Cimento, 1984, Vol 1, pp 39
- R.Kumaravadivel Effective interionic pair potentials in liquid alkali metals, Publication of the International Centre for Theoretical Physics, Trieste, Italy. 1984 Publication No. IC/84/89.
- R.Kumaravadivel Intercalate layer structure in alkali metal-graphite intercalation compounds (Review) , 1985
Awards, Scholarships & Fellowship
- Won the Coomarasamy Prize for Science, 1968, University of Ceylon, Peradeniya. (Awarded for achieving the highest competence at the General Science Degree Examination held in 1968).
- Won the Dr.C.A.Hewavitharana Memorial Prize for Physics, 1970, University of Ceylon, Peradeniya (Awarded for achieving the highest competence at the Special Science Degree Examination held in 1970).
- Appointed by the Scientific Council of the International Centre for Theoretical Physics (ICTP) , Trieste, Italy as an Associate Member of the Centre for the period 1982-87. This appointment was renewed for another six years in 1989.
- Note: The ICTP was founded by the Nobel Laureate Prof. Abdus Salam in 1967. It is funded by the UNESCO, IAEA and several other international organisations and rich countries. Associates are Scientists living in the Third World and chosen by the Centre on the basis of proven ability. At the expense of the ICTP, Associates are entitled to visit the Centre three times, each time for up to three months, over a span of six years.
- Appointed by the Institute of Physics (London) as a referee of research papers submitted to the Journal of Physics F (Metal Physics), UK.
- Awarded a Visiting Scientist Fellowship by the International Centre for Theoretical Physics for the academic year 1983/84.
- Awarded a Commonwealth Fellowship by the Commonwealth Commission to spend one year at the Cavendish Laboratory, University of Cambridge, England as Visiting Professor (1991).
Conferences/ workshop / study visit
- Participated in the Summer School on Physics of Surfaces, University of Warwick, U.K., August 1974 (Organized by the Institute of Physics, London).
- Participated in the ‘Liquid Metals Forum’ , University of Birmingham, March 1974 and gave a seminar on ‘Born-Green Equation in Liquid Metals’.
- Gave a seminar on ‘Pair Potentials in liquid metals’ at the University of Bristol, England , January 1975.
- Participated in the International Conference on Interatomic forces in Condensed Matter, University of Reading, U.K., April 1975 and presented the following papers:
(i) Interatomic forces in liquid metal surfaces.
(ii) Effective pair potentials from structural data on liquid metals.
(The Conference was organized jointly by the Institute of
Physics and the Faraday Division of the Chemical Society, U.K.)
- Presented the following papers at the Third International Conference on Liquid Metals, University of Bristol, England, July 1976. (Organized by the Institute of Physics, London):
(i) The entropies and structure factors of liquid simple metals.
(ii) The surface tension and ion density profile of a liquid metal.
(Published in Institute of Physics Conference Series No. 30).
- Participated in the Condensed Matter Physics Workshop of the International Centre for Theoretical Physics, Trieste, Italy from July to September 1977.
- Participated in the International Symposium on one dimensional conductors, International Centre for Theoretical Physics, Trieste, Italy in August 1977.
- Participated in the Condensed Matter Physics Workshop of the International Centre for Theoretical Physics, Trieste, Italy from July to September 1982.
- Gave seminars on ‘Pair potentials in liquid alkali metals from experimental structure factor data’ at the Universities of Bristol and East Anglia, U.K. (August 1984).
- Participated in a Working Party on Physics of Condensed Matter at Planetary Pressures at the International Centre for Theoretical Physics, Trieste, Italy (August/September 1984).
- Participated in the Spring College on Semiconductor devices at the International Centre for Theoretical Physics, Trieste, Italy from April to June 1984.
- Participated in the Condensed Matter Physics Workshop of the International Centre for Theoretical Physics, Trieste, Italy from July to September 1984.
- Participated in many Workshops, seminars and conferences at the International Centre for Theoretical Physics, Trieste, Italy during a three months visit as a Visiting Scientist from October to December 1992
Professional Memberships