Prof. P. Ravirajan
Senior Professor of Physics
BSc Hons in Physics(Jaffna)
MSc (Material Physics) (Peradeniya)
DIC, PhD. (London,UK)
Research interests
Fabrication and Characterisation of Nanostructured Optoelectronic devices
Charge transport studies of disordered materials
PhD in Physics, DIC, Imperial College, University of London, 2001-2004
MSc in Material Physics, University of Peradeniya, 1997-1999
BSc Honours degree in Physics, University of Jaffna, 1991-1995
Title of the Ph.D. thesis: Fabrication and Characterization of Hybrid Metal oxide / Polymer Solar Cells
Supervisors: Prof. Jenny Nelson & Prof. Donal D.C. Bradley.
Academic and Research Experience
Since October 2022 | Senior Professor of Physics, |
October 2017 – September 2022 | Senior Professor in Physics, |
October 2009 – October 2017 | Professor in Physics, |
January 2014 – April 2014 | Visiting Professor, Dept. of Physics, Imperial College London |
July 2008 – September 2008 | Visiting Academic Fellow, Dept. of Physics, Imperial College |
November 2008 – October 2009 | Associate Professor in Physics, University of Jaffna. |
May 2006 – July 2006 | Visiting Academic Fellow, Dept. of Physics, Imperial College |
March 2005 – November 2008 | Senior Lecturer in Physics, |
May 2005 – April 2008 | Visiting Academic and Consultant, |
October 2004 – March 2005 | Research Associates, Dept. of Physics, Imperial College London. |
December 1996 – March 2005 | Lecturer in Physics, University of Jaffna. |
December 1994 – October 1995 | Assistant Lecturer in Physics, University of Jaffna. |
Since June 2020 | Dean, Faculty of Science, University of Jaffna |
March 2020 – May 2020 | Head, Department of Physics University of Jaffna |
October 2010 – September 2016 | Head, Department of Physics University of Jaffna |
Since July 2018 | Director, International Collaboration Unit, University of Jaffna |
November 2011 – June 2018 | Director, Staff Development Centre, University of Jaffna |
June 2011 – December 2018 | Member, Standing Committee on Staff Development, UGC |
September 2016 – December 2018 | Chairman, University Research Committee, University of Jaffna |
November 2015 – June 2020
| Elected Representative of the Senate to the Council |
June 2007 – June 2009 | Alumni Officer, University of Jaffna |
July 2006 – July 2009 | Person in charge for the curriculum revision activity in the physical science study program for the IRQUE World Bank project, Faculty of Science |
January 2000 – December 2020 | Member of the library team for acquiring an overall understanding of the present automated library systems available in libraries in the Southern region of Sri Lanka |
Course units had/have been contributed
PHY103G2 : Vibrations, Waves and AC Theory
PHY105G3 : Electricity, Electromagnetic Fields & Electronics
PHY201G2 : Practical Physics II
PHY202G2 : Solid State Physics
PHY405MC3 : Laser Physics
PHY304MC3 : Advanced Electronics
PHY302MC3 : Classical Mechanics and Relativity
PHY421ME3 : Instrumentation and Characterisation Techniques
PHY422ME3 : Nanotechnology and Nanoscience
PHY401XS3 : Introduction to Physics of Industrial Materials
MPhil/PhD thesis supervision
- S.Sarathchandran, Fabrication and Characterisation of Titanium based Solar Cells, MPhil in Physics, University of Jaffna, completed in December 2011.
- S.Loheswaran, Improving the performance of nanocrystalline titanium dioxide (TiO2) / polymer solar cell using interface modifier, MPhil in Physics, University of Jaffna, completed in July 2014.
- K.Balashangar, Carbon nanotube for enhancing the performance of Titanium Dioxide based solar cells, MPhil in Physics, University of Jaffna, completed in 2015.
- P.Kohila, Optimization of the growth process of cadmium sulphide (CdS) semiconductor thin films for efficiency enhancement in CdS/CdTe solar cells, University of Peradeniya, MPhil in Physics, completed in 2020.
- S.Uthayaraj, Enhancement in perovskite solar cells by incorporation of Carbon nanotubes, UOJ, MPhil in Physics, completed in July 2020
- T. Rajaramanan, Ruthenium doped and Nickel/Nitrogen co-doped titanium oxide electrode for Dye Sensitized Solar Cells, MPhil in Chemistry, completed in July 2021
- Asitha Udayanga, Photon Upconversion as a Tool to Harvest Infrared Radiation for Direct Illumination in the Dark and to Fabricate Dye-sensitized Solar Cells to Generate Electricity Under Illumination as well as in the dark, UOP, PhD in Chemistry, to be completed in 2022.
- A. Pirashanthan, Enhancing the performance of hybrid TiO2 / Polymer and dye sensitized Solar Cells using thiophene dyes, UOJ, MPhil in physics, to be completed in May 2022.
- T. Kajana, Storage of solar energy by heterostructured Silver-Metal oxides-SnS2 photocapacitors, UOJ, MPhil in Chemistry, to be completed 2022.
- S. Sivagowri, Water Splitting Transition metal chalcogenide [MS2; M = Co, Ni, Mo, Sn and W] embedded TiO2 nanocomposites for hydrogen production over extended solar irradiation, UOJ, MPhil in Chemistry, to be completed in 2022.
- T.Thivakasarma, optimizing the performance of CdS/CdTe Thin Film Solar Cell with selected Copper Compounds, UOJ, MPhil in Physics, to be completed in December 2022.
- W.C.P. Wanniarachchi, Modelling and simulation for mixed anion perovskite for photovoltaic application, UOJ, MPhil in Physics, to be completed in 2022.
MSc desseration supervision
- Mr.S.Kugan, Electrical and optical properties of TiO2 film, University of Jaffna, 2006
- Mr.N.Muhunthan, Optical properties of natural organic materials,University of Jaffna, 2006
- Mr.V.Mathivannan, Characterisation of TiO2 / polymer solar cells, University of Jaffna, 2006
- Mr.V.Manivarman, Thermal, optical and electrical properties of paints, University of Jaffna, 2006
- Mr.Jaseetharan, Interface Modification of dye sensitised solar cells, University of Peradeniya 2014
Mega Grants won for collaborative research projects
- Funded by the Minister of Science, Technology, and Research:
- One of four chief writers and Deputy Directors of a Multi-institutional national level R & D and training project on Thin-film Solar Cells towards manufacturing of Solar Panels which was initiated by the Minister of Science, Technology and Research that secured funds of 240 million rupees for five years from 2017.
- Funded by Norwegian Centre for International Cooperation in Education (SIU): One of two chief writers and coordinators of a project titled ‘Higher Education and Research collaboration on Nanomaterials for Clean Energy Technologies (HRNCET)’ which secured funds of 4.7 million NOK (97 million rupees) for exchanging staff and students at master and PhD level as well as the development of a master program within clean energy technology at the University of Jaffna (UoJ) for five years from 2017.
- Funded by Royal Norwegian Embassy in Sri Lanka:
- One of two chief writers and coordinators of a project titled ‘Capacity Building and Establishment of a Research Consortium in Nanomaterials for Clean Energy Technologies’ which has been funded 6.2 million Norwegian Kroners (LKR 129 million) over a period of three years (2017-2019).
- Grants for human and physical resource development at the university of Jaffna:
- Won three independent UGC grants of 11.5 (5.0, 4.5 & 2.0) million rupees for proposals submitted by me to UGC for strengthening the staff development activities at the university in 2011, 2012, and 2013. Under this grant, two lecture halls with bathrooms and other audio-visual facilities were established as well as conducted more than fifty Continuous Professional Development (CPD) programmes.
Won Investigator Driven Research Grants over 40 million rupees (USD 250,000) by National and International institutions for purchasing research equipment for the research projects. Five projects have successfully been completed.
- Hybrid nanocrystalline TiO2 solar cells with a fluorene-thiophene copolymer as a sensitizer and hole conductor, P. Ravirajan, S. A. Haque, J. R. Durrant, D. Poplavskyy, D. D. C. Bradley, and J. Nelson, Journal of Applied Physics 95 (2004) 1473 – 1480.
- Hybrid polymer -zinc oxide photovoltaic devices using vertically oriented ZnO nanorods and an ambiphilic molecular interface layer, P. Ravirajan, A. M. Peiró, M. K. Nazeeruddin, M. Graetzel, D. D. C. Bradley, J. R. Durrant and J. Nelson, Journal of Physical Chemistry B 110 (2006) 7635-7639.
- Factors limiting the efficiency of molecular photovoltaic devices, J. Nelson, J. Kirkpatrick, and P. Ravirajan, Physical Review B 69 (2004) 035337.
- Effect of morphology on electron drift mobility in porous TiO2, B. O. Aduda, P. Ravirajan, K. L. Choy, and J. Nelson, International Journal of Photoenergy 6 (2004) 141-147.
- The effect of polymer optoelectronic properties on the performance of multilayer hybrid polymer-TiO2 solar cell, P. Ravirajan, S. A. Haque, J. R. Durrant, D. D. C. Bradley and J. Nelson, Advanced Functional Materials, 15 (2005) 609 – 618.
- Efficient Charge Collection in Hybrid Polymer -TiO2 Solar Cell using PEDOT:PSS as a Hole Collector, P. Ravirajan, S. A. Haque, J. R. Durrant, S. J. P. Smith, J. M. Kroon, D. D. C. Bradley and J. Nelson, Applied Physics Letter 86, (2005) 143101.
- Hybrid polymer-metal oxide solar cells based on ZnO columnar structures, A. M. Peiró, P. Ravirajan, K. Govender, D. Smyth-Boyle, P. O’Brien, D.D.C.Bradley, J. Nelson J. R. Durrant, J. Material Chemistry 16 (2006) 2088-2096.
- Nanoporous TiO2 solar cells sensitized with a fluorene-thiophene copolymer, P. Ravirajan, S. A. Haque, D. Poplavskyy, J. R. Durrant, D. D. C. Bradley, and J. Nelson, Thin Solid Film 451-452 (2004) 624 – 629.
- Bouclé, J., Ravirajan, P., Nelson, J., Hybrid polymer-metal oxide thin films for photovoltaic applications, Journal of Materials Chemistry 17 (2007)3141-3153.
- Influence of polymer ionization potential on the open-circuit voltage of hybrid polymer-TiO2 solar cells, T. Ishwara, P.Ravirajan, at el., Appl. Phys. Lett. 92 (5), (2008) 053308.
- Hybrid nanocrystalline TiO2 solar cells with a fluorene-thiophene copolymer as a sensitizer and hole conductor, P. Ravirajan, S. A. Haque, J. R. Durrant, D. Poplavskyy, D. D. C. Bradley, and J. Nelson, Journal of Applied Physics 95 (2004) 1473 – 1480.
- Hybrid polymer -zinc oxide photovoltaic devices using vertically oriented ZnO nanorods and an ambiphilic molecular interface layer, P. Ravirajan, A. M. Peiró, M. K. Nazeeruddin, M. Graetzel, D. D. C. Bradley, J. R. Durrant and J. Nelson, Journal of Physical Chemistry B 110 (2006) 7635-7639.
- Factors limiting the efficiency of molecular photovoltaic devices, J. Nelson, J. Kirkpatrick, and P. Ravirajan, Physical Review B 69 (2004) 035337.
- Effect of morphology on electron drift mobility in porous TiO2, B. O. Aduda, P. Ravirajan, K. L. Choy, and J. Nelson, International Journal of Photoenergy 6 (2004) 141-147.
- The effect of polymer optoelectronic properties on the performance of multilayer hybrid polymer-TiO2 solar cell, P. Ravirajan, S. A. Haque, J. R. Durrant, D. D. C. Bradley and J. Nelson, Advanced Functional Materials, 15 (2005) 609 – 618.
- Efficient Charge Collection in Hybrid Polymer -TiO2 Solar Cell using PEDOT:PSS as a Hole Collector, P. Ravirajan, S. A. Haque, J. R. Durrant, S. J. P. Smith, J. M. Kroon, D. D. C. Bradley and J. Nelson, Applied Physics Letter 86, (2005) 143101.
- Hybrid polymer-metal oxide solar cells based on ZnO columnar structures, A. M. Peiró, P. Ravirajan, K. Govender, D. Smyth-Boyle, P. O’Brien, D.D.C.Bradley, J. Nelson J. R. Durrant, J. Material Chemistry 16 (2006) 2088-2096.
- Nanoporous TiO2 solar cells sensitized with a fluorene-thiophene copolymer, P. Ravirajan, S. A. Haque, D. Poplavskyy, J. R. Durrant, D. D. C. Bradley, and J. Nelson, Thin Solid Film 451-452 (2004) 624 – 629.
- Bouclé, J., Ravirajan, P., Nelson, J., Hybrid polymer-metal oxide thin films for photovoltaic applications, Journal of Materials Chemistry 17 (2007)3141-3153.
- Influence of polymer ionization potential on the open-circuit voltage of hybrid polymer-TiO2 solar cells, T. Ishwara, P.Ravirajan, at el., Appl. Phys. Lett. 92 (5), (2008) 053308.
- S.Sarathchandran, K.Haridas, Y. Kim, P.Ravirajan, J. Nanoelectronics and Optoelectronics 5 (2010) 243.
- Solid state solar cell made from nanocrystalline TiO2 with a fluorene-thiophene copolymer as a hole-conductor, P. Ravirajan, S. A. Haque, D. Poplavskyy, J. R. Durrant, D. D. C. Bradley, and J. Nelson, Proc. of SPIE – International Society for Optical Engineering 5215, 226 (2004). (ISBN: 0-8194-5088-X)
- Positive Temperature Coefficient Resistance (PTCR) effect of Barium Titanate based Ceramics, B.S.B. Karunaratne and P. Ravirajan, Ceylon Journal of Science: Physical Sciences, 6(1), 47-56 (1999).
- Photovoltaic devices based on nanocrystalline TiO2 and a fluorene-thiophene copolymer, P. Ravirajan, S. A. Haque, D. Poplavskyy, J. R. Durrant, D. D. C. Bradley, and J. Nelson, Proc. 3rd World Conference on Photovoltaic Energy Conversion (WCPEC3), A-C, 2722-2725, 2003. (ISBN: 4-9901-8162-X)
- Efficient hybrid polymer TiO2 solar cells using a multilayer structure, P. Ravirajan, S. A. Haque, J. R. Durrant, D. D.C.Bradley, and J. Nelson, Proc. of SPIE – International Society for Optical Engineering 5520, 232 (2004). (ISBN: 0-8194-5458-3)
- The effect of zinc oxide nanostructure on the performance of hybrid polymer-zinc oxide solar cells, A.M Peiró, P. Ravirajan, K. Govender, D.S. Boyle, P.O’Brien, D.D.C. Bradley, J. Nelson and J.R. Durrant, Proc. of SPIE – International Society for Optical Engineering 5938, 593819 (2005).
- Novel Cyclometallated Ruthenium dye sensitizer for nanocrystalline TiO2 based Solar cells, M.Senthilnanthanan, S.Sarathchandran, John.M.Brown, S.Sivaraya and P.Ravirajan, Proceedings of the International conference on “Advances in Continum mechanics,Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, University of Peradeniya, Sri Lanka, September 26-27, 2008, 240-245.
- Kajitha, S. Sarathchandran, M. Senthilnanthanan and P. Ravirajan, Visible Light Responsive Nanocrystalline Titanium Dioxide for Dye Sensitized Solar Cells, Proceeding of the International Conference on Solar energy Materials, Solar cells and Solar energy Applications (SOLAR ASIA – 2011), 253 (2011).
- Balashangar, T. Jaseetharan, S. Sarathchandran and P. Ravirajan, Enhancing the Performance of Hybrid TiO2-Polymer Multilayer Solar Cells by Modifying the TiO2-Polymer Interface By Single Wall Carbon Nanotube, SOLAR ASIA – 2011, Proceeding of International Conference on Solar energy Materials, Solar cells and Solar energy Applications (SOLAR ASIA – 2011), 258 (2011)
- Sarathchandran, S.; Prashanthan, K.; Ravirajan, P., Role of Poly(Ethylenedioxythiophene)-Poly(Styrene Sulphonate) on the Performance of Nanocrystalline Titanium Dioxide-Poly(3-Hexylthiophene) Polymer Solar Cells, Journal of Nanoelectronics and Optoelectronics 6 (3), 2011 , 272-276.
Conference abstracts
Local conference abstracts
- T.Jaseetharan, K.Jeyakanthan, S.Satchithananthan, M. Senthilnanthanan, S.Sarathchandran, S.Sivaraya and P.Ravirajan, Solid state solar cells made from nanocrystalline TiO2 with plant pigments as sensitizers, 15th Annual Sessions of Jaffna Science Association, Jaffna, 7-9, May 2008 (15) 53. (ISSN 1800-1289).
- Utilisation of Plant Pigments in Dye-Sensitized Nanoporous TiO2 Solar Cells, T. Jaseetharan, S.Sarathchandran, K.Jeyakanthan, M.Senthilnanthanan, S.Sivaraya and P.Ravirajan, National Conference on Advanced Materials For Emerging Technologies (NCAMET 2007), Peradeniya, 21 – 22 July 2007.
- Photovoltaic devices based on polymer – metal oxide composite films, P.Ravirajan, J. Boucle, and J. Nelson, National Conference on Advanced Materials For Emerging Technologies (NCAMET 2007), Peradeniya, 21 – 22 July 2007 (invited talk).
- Electrical Characterization of Cr substituted di-Iron Aresenides, N.Sivayogan, L.Ravishnkar, P.Ravirajan, S.Sivaraya, National Conference on Advanced Materials For Emerging Technologies (NCAMET 2007), Peradeniya, 1 44(July 21-22, 2007.
- S.Kukan and P. Ravirajan , 14th Annual Sessions of Jaffna Science Association, Jaffna, 26-28, April 2006 (14) 23. (ISSN 1800-1289)
- Manivarman and P. Ravirajan, 14th Annual Sessions of Jaffna Science Association, Jaffna, 26-28, April 2006 (14) 5. (ISSN 1800-1289)
- Gnanapiragasam, A. Thevakaran, S. Sivaraya and P. Ravirajan, 14th Annual Sessions of Jaffna Science Association, Jaffna, 26-28, April 2006 (14) 6. (ISSN 1800-1289)
- Ravirajan and J. Nelson, 14th Annual Sessions of Jaffna Science Association, Jaffna, 26-28, April 2006 (14) 8. (ISSN 1800-1289)
- K.Harithas, S.Sivaraya and P. Ravirajan 14th Annual Sessions of Jaffna Science Association, Jaffna, 26-28, April 2006 (14) 24. (ISSN 1800-1289).
- An investigation of electrical properties of Y-doped BaTiO3 ceramics with different: Mn additions, B.S.B. Karunaratne and P. Ravirajan, Proceedings of the 54th Annual Session of Sri Lankan Association for Advancement of Science, E1-42, 1999.
International conference abstracts:
- Balashangar, S. Sarathchandran and P. Ravirajan, Enhancing the performance of Hybrid TiO2-polymer Solar Cells by replacing nanoporous TiO2 layer with Single Wall carbon Nanotube (SWNT): TiO2 blend, International conference on New & Renewable energy 2011, Kyungpook National University, South Korea, April 8, 2011.
- P. Ravirajan, Novel Device Structure for Hybrid TiO2-Polymer Solar Cells using Single Wall Carbon Nanotube (SWNT), ICTP Workshop on New Materials for Renewable Energy, 17 – 21 October 2011, ICTP, Trieste, Italy
- Effect of temperature and illumination intensity on the performance of Titanium dioxide-Fullerene: Polymer solar cells, S.Sarathc handran, K.Harithas, Y.Kim & P.Ravirajan, International conference on Renewable energy source, Kyungpook National University, South Korea, May 14, 2010.
- Improving the performance of TiO2 – poly (3-hexyl thiophene) solar cells through enhancing the polymer infiltration into the nanoporous TiO2, S.Sarathchandran, V.Jathushan, and P.Ravirajan, ICTP conference, Ethiopia, 2010.
- Charge transport studies in TiO2- poly (3-hexyl thiophene) solar cells using Time of Flight technique, S.Sarathchandran, K.Prashanthan, and P.Ravirajan, ICTP conference, Ethiopia, 2010
- P.Ravirajan, Nanostructured Metal Oxide: Polymer Photovoltaic Devices, ICTP’s Regional School on Physics at Nanoscale, December 14-25, 2009, Hanoi – Viet Nam (Contributed talk).
- Hybrid Organic – Inorganic Solar cells: Interface Modification studies, T.Ishwara, P.Atitenzar, P.Ravirajan, J.R.Durrant and Jenny Nelson, International conference on “Advances in continuum Mechanics, Materials Sciences, Nanosciences and Technology, University of Peradeniya, September 26-27, 2008.
- Post processing treatments of Poly(3-hexylthiophene): Nanostructured Titanium dioxide films for applications to hybrid Solar cells: P.Ravirajan, T.Ishwara, P.Atitenzar, J.R.Durrant and Jenny Nelson, International conference on “Advances in continuum Mechanics, Materials Sciences, Nanosciences and Technology, University of Peradeniya, September 26-27, 2008.
- Efficient Multilayer polymer-TiO2 solar cells, P.Ravirajan, T.Ishwara, P.Atitenzar, J.R.Durrant and Jenny Nelson, SID Organic Electronics, Imperial College, September 16-17, 2008.
- Utilisation of Plant Pigments in Dye-Sensitized Nanoporous TiO2 Solar Cells, T. Jaseetharan, S.Sarathchandran, K.Jeyakanthan, M.Senthilnanthanan, S.Sivaraya and P.Ravirajan, 17th International Conference on Photochemical Conversion and Storage of Solar Energy, Sydney, Australia 27 July – 1 August 2008.
- Origin of open-circuit voltage of hybrid metal oxide – polymer solar cells, P. Ravirajan Thilini Ishwara, Donal Bradely and Jenny Nelson, IUMRS-ICEM 2008, International Conference on Electronic Materials 2008, Sydney, Australia – 28 July to 1 August 2008.
- Factors controlling open circuit voltage of polymer: titanium dioxide hybrid solar cells, T. Ishwara,P. Ravirajan and J. Nelson, E-MRS 2007 Spring Meeting, Strasbourg, France – May 28th to June 1st, 2007.
- The effect of temperature on the performance of Titanium dioxide – fullerene:poly(3-hexylthiophene) hybrid solar cells, K. Haridas, P. Ravirajan, S. Sivaraya, Y. Kim, and J. Nelson, Asian Conference on Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells (ACSEMSC), Kandy, Sri Lanka 14-16 June 2006.
- Controlling recombination kinetics of hybrid polymer – metal oxide solar cells using ZnO nanorods or self assembly monolayer, P. Ravirajan, A.M. Peiro´, D.D.C. Bradley, J.R. Durrant, and J. Nelson, European Conference on Hybrid and Organic Solar Cells, Paris, 28-30 June, 2006.
- K.Haridas, S.Sivaraya and P.Ravirajan, Influence of Temperature on Performance of Hybrid TiO2-Fullerene: Polymer Solar cells, Jaffna Science Association(JSA)-14th Annual Session, April 26-28, 2006, Vol.14, ISSN 1800-1289. Page-24
- K.Haridas, S.Sivaraya, Y.Kim, J.Nelson and P.Ravirajan, The effect of Temperature of hybrid Titanium dioxide-Fullerene: Poly (3-hexylthiophene) Solar cells, 10th Asian Conference on Solar Energy and Solar Materials(ACSEMSC), 14-16 June 2006, PGIS- Kandy, Sri Lanka. Page-18.
- P.Ravirajan, K.Haridas, S.Sivaraya, Y.Kim, and J.Nelson, The effect of Temperature on the performance of Titanium dioxide – Fullerene: Poly (3-hexylthiophene)Hybrid Solar cells, European Conference on Hybrid and Organic Solar cells, ECHOS 06, June 28-30, 2006, Paris, France. Page-No 29-O4-5
- Ravirajan, K. Haridas, S. Sivaraya, Y. Kim, and J. Nelson, Performance of Titanium dioxide –fullerene:poly(3-hexylthiophene) hybrid solar cells under different temperatures, European Conference on Hybrid and Organic Solar Cells, Paris, 28-30 June, 2006.
- Controlling recombination kinetics of hybrid polymer – metal oxide solar cells,P. Ravirajan, A. M. Peiró, M. Mohr, J. R. Durrant, D.D.C.Bradley and J. Nelson, E-MRS spring meeting, Strasbourg (France), 31st of May- 3rd of June 3, 2005.
- The effect of zinc oxide microstructure on the performance of hybrid polymer – zinc oxide solar cells, A. M. Peiró, P. Ravirajan, D.D.C. Bradley, J. R. Durrant, and J. Nelson, Organic Photovolatic symposium, SPIE conference, Organic Photovoltaics IV, 31st July – 4 august 2005, San Diego, California USA.
- Influence of ZnO Nanoparticle Morphology on the function of Hybrid Polymer – Metal Oxide Solar Cells, A. M. Peiró, P. Ravirajan, K. Govender, D. Smyth-Boyle, P. O’Brien, D.D.C.Bradley, J. Nelson J. R. Durrant, International conference on Functional Materials for the 21st Century, , University of Edinburgh, UK, 5 – 8 July 2005.
- Efficient hybrid polymer – TiO2 solar cell using PEDOT:PSS as hole collector, P. Ravirajan, S. A. Haque, J. R. Durrant, D. D.C.Bradley, and J. Nelson, International conference on Physics, Chemistry and Engineering of Solar cell (SCELL 2004), Badajoz, Spain, May 13-15th, 2004.
- Improvement of charge collection in hybrid polymer – TiO2 solar cell using PEDOT:PSS as hole collector, P. Ravirajan, S. A. Haque, J. R. Durrant, D. D.C.Bradley, and J. Nelson, 15th International Conference on Photochemical Conversion and Storage of Solar Energy (IPS-15), Paris, France, July 4-9, 2004.
- Metal oxide – polymer nanocomposite films for light-driven deoxygenation and solar cells, A. M. Peiró, C. Colombo, P. Ravirajan, L. Xiao, G. Doyle , A. Mills, J. Nelson, J. R. Durrant, 15th International Conference on Photochemical Conversion and Storage of Solar Energy (IPS-15), Paris, France, July 4-9, 2004.
- Characterisation of thin film nanocrystalline TiO2 solar cells with fluorene-thiophene copolymer as a hole conductor,P. Ravirajan, S. A. Haque, D. Poplavskyy, J. R. Durrant, D. D.C.Bradley, and J. Nelson, Bi-annual conference of the Solar Energy Society, Loughborough University, Loughborough, UK April 3-4, 2003.
- Photovoltaic Device based on nanocrystalline TiO2 and a fluorene-thiophene copolymer,P. Ravirajan, S. A. Haque, D. Poplavskyy, J. R. Durrant, D. D.C.Bradley, and J. Nelson, Discussion Meeting on Functional Mechanisms in Organic and Dye sensitised Solar cells, Imperial College London, UK, July 9-10, 2003.
- Polymer-fullerne blend and polymer-TiO2 hybrid solar cells,P.Ravirajan, S. A. Choulis, S. A. Haque, J. Nelson, J. R. Durrant and D. D. C.Bradley, Science Bazaar on Organic and Dye Sensitized solar cells, Linz,Austria, September 18-19, 2003.
- B.O. Aduda, P.Ravirajan, K.W. Choy, and J. Nelson, Effect of Morphology on Electron Drift Mobility in Porous TiO2, The 7th International Conference on Solar Energy and Applied Photochemistry [SOLAR ’03] Luxor, Egypt, 23-28 February 2003.
- New hole-conductors for solid-state dye sensitised nanocrystalline solar cells, S. A. Haque, T. Park, C. Xu,R. Punniamoorthy, J. Nelson, S. Koops, N. Schultes, L. Ottley, R. J. Potter, A. B. Holmes and J. R. Durrant. MRS Spring Meeting, San Francisco, USA, April 21- 25, 2003
- Photovoltaic devices based on nanocrystalline TiO2 and a fluorene-thiophene copolymer P. Ravirajan, S. A. Haque, D. Poplavskyy, E. Palomares, James R. Durrant, Donal D.C.Bradley, and Jenny Nelson, 3rd World Conference on Photovoltaic Energy Conversion, Osaka,Japan, May 11-18, 2003.
- Multi-layer solar cells based on nanoporous TiO2 and a fluorene-thiophene copolymer, P. Ravirajan, S. A. Haque, J. R. Durrant, D. D.C.Bradley, and J. Nelson, MRS Fall Meeting, Boston, USA, December 1-5, 2003.
- Conjugated fluorene copolymers as hole transport materials in polymer-metal oxide photovoltaic devices, J. Nelson, M. Biswas, D. Poplavskyy, P.Ravirajan, D. D.C.Bradley, J. R. Durrant and S. A. Haque 201st Meeting of The Electrochemical Society, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania,USA, May 12-17, 2002
- Characterisation of solar cells made from nanocrystalline TiO2 and a fluorene-thiophene copolymer, P. Ravirajan, S. A.Haque, D. Poplavskyy, J. R. Durrant, D. D. C. Bradley and J. Nelson, The 2002 Annual Conference of the British Association for Crystal Growth, The University of Liverpool, Liverpool, UK, 8 – 10 September 2002.
Awards & Grants
National Awards
- Presidential Award for Excellence in Research by the President of the Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka. Year of Award – 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2017.
- Young Scientist Award for the Year 2008 by SCOPUS, Elsevier Publisher, The Netherlands and National Science Foundation, Sri Lanka.
- CVCD Excellence Award-2006 for the most Outstanding Young Researcher in Physical Sciences for the Year 2006 by the Committee of Vice Chancellors and Directors (CVCD), Sri Lanka.
Scholarships / Fellowship
- Commonwealth Fellowship – 2014 : collaborative research work for three-month at Imperial College London.
- Royal Society Visiting Fellowship 2008 : collaborative research work for three months at Imperial College London.
- Imperial College Fellowship – 2006 : collaborative research work for three months at Imperial College London.
- General Commonwealth Scholarship (Open), Imperial College London, 2001-2004.
Conferences/ workshop / study visit
Workshop/Conference Attendance
- International Conference on Solar energy Materials, Solar cells and Solar energy Applications, Kandy, Sri Lanka 28-30 July 2011
- ICTP Winter College on Optics and Energy, February 8-19, 2010, Trieste – Italy.
- ICTP Regional School on Physics at the Nanoscale, 14-25, December 2009, Vietnam.
- ICTP’s Regional School on Physics at Nanoscale, December 14-25, 2009, Hanoi – Viet Nam
- IFS-OPCW Workshop “Chemistry in Nature – Natural resources: chemical, biological and environmental aspects”, Chiang Mai, Thailand December 7-10, 2009
- E-MRS 2007 Spring Meeting, Strasbourg, France – May 28th to June 1st, 2007.
- SID Organic Electronics, Imperial College, September 16-17, 2008.
- 17th International Conference on Photochemical Conversion and Storage of Solar Energy, Sydney, Australia 27 July – 1 August 2008.
- International Conference on Electronic Materials 2008, Sydney, Australia – 28 July to 1 August 2008
- International conference on “Advances in continuum Mechanics, Materials Sciences, Nanosciences and Technology, University of Peradeniya, September 26-27, 2008.
- Discussion meeting on Supramolecular nanotechnology for organic electronics, at Royal Society, London on 5-6, June, 2006.
- Discussion meeting on supramolecular nanotechnology for organic electronics, at Royal Society, London on 5-6, June, 2006.
- Asian Conference on Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells (ACSEMSC), Kandy, Sri Lanka 14-16 June 2006.
- European Conference on Hybrid and Organic Solar Cells, Paris, 28-30 June, 2006.
- International conference on Functional Materials for the 21st Century, University of Edinburgh, UK, 5 – 8 July 2005.
- Organic Photovoltaic symposium, SPIE conference, Organic Photovoltaics IV, 31st July – 4 august 2005, San Diego, California USA.
- E-MRS spring meeting, Strasbourg (France), 31st of May- 3rd of June 3, 2005.
- MOLYCELL meeting, IMEC Leuven, Belgium on 13 & 14 of December 2004.
- Molecular Orientation, Low band gap and new hYbrid device concepts for the improvement of flexible organic solar CELLs (MOLYCELL) meeting, EPFL, Lausanne, Switzerland on 18th of May 2004.
- Department of Materials Science, University of Oxford, UK on 26th of March 2004. (Invited talk)
- Accessing Information in Developing Countries, Oxford, UK on 27th of March 2004.
- Obtaining and Managing External Research Funding, London, UK on February 10, 2004.
- Publicizing Your Ideas, Cardiff, UK, March 15-16, 2003.
- Bi-annual conference of the Solar Energy Society, Loughborough University, Loughborough, UK April 3-4, 2003.
- International conference on Physics, Chemistry and Engineering of Solar cell (SCELL 2004), Badajoz, Spain, May 13-15th, 2004.
- 15th International Conference on Photochemical Conversion and Storage of Solar Energy (IPS-15), Paris, France, July 4-9, 2004.
- Presentation Skills, Imperial College London, UK, May 20, 2003.
- Information Retrieval, Imperial College London, UK, June 04, 2003.
- Science Bazaar on Organic and Dye Sensitized solar cells, Linz, Austria, September 18-19, 2003.
- Spring meeting of European Materials Research Society (E-MRS) in Strasbourg, France on 11th of June, 2003
- Technical Presentation – Fishbowl, Imperial College Lon don, UK, June 05, 2003.
- Exploring leadership through experience and practice, London, UK, January 27, 2003.
- MRS Fall Meeting, Boston, USA, December 1-5, 2003.
- ‘Exploring leadership through experience and practice’, London, UK, January 27, 2003.
- ‘Publicizing Your Ideas’, Cardiff, UK, March15-16, 2003.
- ‘Presentation Skills’, Imperial College London, UK, May 20, 2003.
- ‘Information Retrieval’, Imperial College London, UK, June 04, 2003.
- ‘Technical Presentation’ – Fishbowl, Imperial College London, UK, June 05, 2003.
- The 2002 Annual Conference of the British Association for Crystal Growth, The University of Liverpool, Liverpool, UK, 8 – 10 September 2002.
Invited talks
- A Novel Robust Ruthenium Dye (RuC) for Nanocrystalline TiO2 Solar Cells, M. Thanihaichelvan, P. Ravirajan, K. Mariappan and S. Rasalingam, The 7th Annual World Congress of Nano Science and Technology-2017 (Nano S&T-2017) Japan, October 24-26, 2017, pp 497.
- Strategies for Enhancing the Performance of Hybrid Nanocrystalline Metal Oxides/Polymer Solar Cells., S. Paranthaman, P.Sumanthiran, T. Thivakarasarma, S. Loheswaran, K. Balashangar, K. Prashanthan, M. Thanihaichelvan, S. Rasalingam N. Robertson, J. Nelson, V. Dhayalan and P. Ravirajan., Book of Abstracts of the 3rd International Conference on Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, (2016), 3, pp: 11.
- Strategies to improve the performance of Hybrid nanocrystalline Titanium dioxide/ polymer solar cell using interface modifiers, S. Loheeswaran, K. Balashangar and P. Ravirajan, , The international Conference on Nanoscience and Nanotechnology (ICNST 2014), 12th & 13th August 2014, Colombo, Sri Lanka
- Strategies for Improving the Performance of Hybrid Titanium Dioxides/polymer Solar Cells, The 4th International Conference New & Renewable Energy 2013, Daegu, March 29, 2013.(http://icnre.org/)
- Controlling recombination kinetics of hybrid nanocrystalline titanium dioxide / polymer solar cell by inserting an alumina layer at the interface, S. Loheeswaran, K. Balashangar and P. Ravirajan, International Conference on New & Renewable Energy 2013 (ICNRE 2013), KNU, South Korea.
- Improving the Photovoltaic properties of hybrid Polymer/ Titanium Dioxide Solar cells by self-assembled monolayers at the interface, S. Loheeswaran, K. Balashangar, and P. Ravirajan, 2nd International Conference of the Solar energy materials, Solar cells and Solar energy applications (Solar Asia 2013), University of Malaya, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, August 22-24, 2013.
- Nanostructured Metal Oxide: Polymer Photovoltaic Devices,Regional School of Physics at Nanoscale – ICTP School in Hanoi, Vietnam, December 14-25, 2009, http://iop.vast.ac.vn/theor/conferences/ smr2081/files/Ravi.pdf.
- Origin of open-circuit voltage of hybrid metal oxide / polymer solar cells, International Conference on Electronic Materials 2008, Sydney, Australiaon 29.08.2008
- Nanotechnology and its application (Chairperson Address)at the 14thAnnual meeting of Jaffna Science Association, Jaffna, Sri Lanka on 05.04.2008.
- Controlling recombination kinetics of hybrid polymer / metal oxide solar cells using ZnOnanorods or self-assembly monolayer, European Conference on Hybrid and Organic Solar Cells, Paris,France, 28-30 June, 2006
- Controlling charge recombination kinetics in TiO2/polymer by using insulating layer,atthe MOLYCELL meeting, IMEC Leuven, Belgium on 13 & 14 of December 2004.
- Efficient Charge Collection in Hybrid Polymer/TiO2 Solar Cells using PEDOT as Hole Collector, at the MOLYCELL meeting, EPFL, Lausanne, Switzerland on 18th of May 2004.
- Optimizing Hybrid Polymer/TiO2 Solar Cells using Multilayer Structure at the Department of Materials Science, University of Oxford, UK on 26th of March 2004.
- Nanoporous TiO2 solar cells sensitised with a fluorene-thiophene copolymer at the spring meeting of European Materials Research Society (E-MRS) in Strasbourg,France on 11th of June, 2003.
National Development
- Member, National Institute of Fundamental Studies since June 24, 2020
- Member, National Research Council, February 2019-January 2020
- Member, Working Committee of the National Science Foundation on Basic Sciences, June 2016 – June 2019.
- National Coordinator, Annual Solar Eclipse Outreach Programme – 2019
- Member, Working Committee of the National Science Foundation on Basic Sciences, June 2016 – June 2019.
- Member of the team appointed by UGC for drafting subject benchmark statements (SBSs) for Physics and Electronics – 2020.
- Member of the team appointed by the UGC for Institutional Review of the University of Moratuwa, 2019.
- Chairman/Member of the team appointed by the UGC for Program Review at the Universities of Colombo, Kelaniya, Wayamba, and Peradeniya 2018-2020.
- Member, Standing Committee on Staff Development Centre, University Grant Council, June 2011 to August 2018.
- Chief Examiner, Advanced Level National Examination in Physics, 2006–to date.
- Member of the Expert Panel to advice on the provision of points for research dissemination in the scheme of recruitment/promotion for the post of Associate Professorship/Professorship to UGC – 2018-2019.
- Member of the official ministerial delegation to the European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN), Geneva, Switzerland for promoting collaborative research and higher education in the field of particle physics in Sri Lanka
- Member of the task force for establishing a centre for Nanoscience and Nanotechnology initiated by the National Science Foundation in 2007.