Late Prof. K.Kunaratnam
B.Sc. Hons in Physics (Ceylon)
DIC, PhD (London)
FRAS (London)
Chartered Physicist & Fellow of Inst.Physics(London)
Hon. DSc (Jaffna)
Academic Profile
Admin Roles
Research Grants
Patents, Book chapters and Research Papers
Conference Papers, Presentations and Abstracts
Awards, Scholarships & Fellowship
Conferences/ workshop / study visit
Professional Memberships
Academic Profile
DIC, PhD(London), FRAS(London), Chartered Physicist & Fellow of Inst.Physics(London), Hon. DSc(Jaffna)
Joined the University of Jaffna in April 1975 as Founder Professor of Physics. Prior to that worked in the Universities of Colombo and Peradeniya from September 1958.
Admin Roles
- Vice Chancellor, University of Jaffna Sri Lanka, April 1994-February 1997
- Dean, Faculty of Science, University of Jaffna, January 1977- June 1978, December 1984- March 1988
- Founder Head, Department of Computer Science, University of Jaffna, 1991-1993
- Founder Head, Department of Physics, University of Jaffna, 1975-1985
- Visiting Fellow and Lecturer in Geophysics, Department of Geology, University of Durham, UK, Jan1971- Sept 1971
- Visiting Fellow, Department of Physics, Queen Elizabeth College, London, Oct 1971- Dec 1971
- Visiting Lecturer, School of Physics, University of Science, Malaysia, Jan- Oct 1981
- Visiting Fellow and Professor, Department of Geophysics, University of Edinburgh, UK, Oct 1988-Aug 1989
- Visiting Fellow, Department of Earth Sciences, Bullard Laboratories, University of Cambridge, Sept-Oct 1989
- Visiting Scientist and Associate, ICTP, Italy, 1986- 1993
- Professor on assignment basis, University of Jaffna, Sri Lanka, 2001- 2002
Research Grants
Patents, Book chapters and Research Papers
- Kunaratnam, Journal of Atmospheric and Terrestrial Physics 43, 1289-1294 (1981).
- Kunaratnam, Geophysical Prospecting 29, 883-890 (1981).
- Kunaratnam, Geophysics 47, 266-267 (1982).
- K.Kunaratnam. ICTP publication No. IC -86-309, August 1986
- Kunaratnam, Physics of the Earth and Planetary Interiors 49, 343-349 (1987).
Conference Papers, Presentations and Abstracts
Awards, Scholarships & Fellowship
- Dr.Hewavitharne Memorial Prize for Physics, University of Ceylon, Colombo, 1958
- Academic Staff Fellow, Association of Commonwealth Universities, 1971
- Associate, International Centre for Theoretical Physics, Italy 1986-1993
- Developing Country Fellow, Royal Society of London, 1988-89
- Fellow, Royal Astronomical Society, London, elected in 1998
- Fellow and Chartered Physicist, Institute of Physics, London, elected in 1999
- Honorary Doctorate of Science, University of Jaffna, conferred in 2001
Conferences/ workshop / study visit
- International Courses in the Handling of Experimental data, University of Zagreb, Yugoslavia, August 1976 on a UNESCO- UNISIST, ICSU-CODATA travel and subsistence Award
- Study Visits to North Indian Universities (Calcutta, Benaras, Allahabad, Aligarh, Delhi and Jaipur) hosted by NCERT, India, April 1976
- Autumn Course on Physics of the Earth, Trieste, Italy on an ICTP travel and subsistence award, Sept-Dec 1977
- Autumn Course on Physics of Flow in the Oceans, Atmospheres and Deserts, Trieste, Italy, on an ICTP travel and subsistence award, Sept-Nov 1980
- International Summer College on Physics and Contemporary Needs, Islamabad, Pakistan on an award by the Atomic Energy Commission of Pakistan, July-Aug 1982.
- Autumn Course on Geomagnetism, Ionosphere and Magnetosphere, Trieste, Italy on an ICTP travel and subsistence award, Sept-Nov 1982
- Autumn College on Troposphere, Stratosphere and Mesosphere, Trieste, Italy on an ICTP travel and subsistence award, Sept-Oct 1984
- Course on Seismology and workshop on earthquake prediction, Trieste, Italy as an ICTP Associate, 1986
- Study Visit to Department of Physics, City College of City University New York on leave from ICTP, Oct 1986
- Course on Computational Physics, Trieste, Italy, as an ICTP Associate, 1988
- Conference on Electromagnetic induction, University of Exeter, UK on an award by Royal Society of London, August 1989
- Workshop on Material Sciences and Physics of Non- Conventional Energy Sources, Trieste, Italy, Aug- Sept 1993 as an ICTP Associate
- Study visit to the Department of Physics, Ohio State University, USA on sabbatical leave from the University of Jaffna , September 1997
Professional Memberships