Professor in Physics
BSc Hons in Physics (Jaffna)
MPhil (Peradeniya)
PhD. (Cincinnati)
BSc Hons in Physics (Jaffna)
MPhil (Peradeniya)
PhD (Cincinnati, USA)
- Professor in Physics
- Former Head (October 2016 – February 2020)
- Former Student Counsellor
- Former Research Associate, Arizona State University, USA
Current Trends and Future Challenges of Electrolytes for Sodium-ion Batteries, K. Vignarooban, R. Kushagra, A. Elango, P. Badami, B.-E. Mellander, X. Xu, T.Tucker, C. Nam and A.M. Kannan, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy (in press)
Prospects and Problems of Concentrating Solar Power Technologies for Power Generation in the Desert Regions, Xinhai Xu, K. Vignarooban, Ben Xu, Keng Hsu and A.M. Kannan, Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, vol. 53 (2016), pp. 1106-1131
Vapor Pressure and Corrosivity of Ternary Metal-Chloride Molten-Salt Based Heat Transfer Fluids for Use in Concentrating Solar Power Systems, K. Vignarooban, Xinhai Xu, K. Wang, E.E. Molina, P. Li, D. Gervasio and A.M. Kannan, Applied Energy, vol. 159 (2015), pp. 206-213
Ionic Conductivity Enhancement in PEO:CuSCN Solid Polymer Electrolyte by the Incorporation of Nickel-Chloride, K. Vignarooban, M.A.K.L. Dissanayake, I. Albinson and B.-E. Mellander, Solid State Ionics, vol. 278 (2015), pp. 177-180
Nano-Electrocatalyst Materials for Low Temperature Fuel Cells- A Review, K. Vignarooban, J. Lin, A. Arvay, S. Kolli, I. Kruusenberg, K. Tammeveski, L. Munukutla and A.M. Kannan, Chinese Journal of Catalysis, vol 36 (2015), pp.458-472
Heat Transfer Fluids for Concentrating Solar Power Systems – A Review, K. Vignarooban, Xinhai Xu, A. Arvay, K. Hsu and A.M. Kannan, Applied Energy, vol 146 (2015), pp.383-396
Rigidity Transitions in Glasses Driven by Changes in Network Dimensionality and Structural Groupings, K. Vignarooban, P. Boolchand, M. Micoulaut, M. Malki and W. Bresser, Euro-Physics Letters (EPL), vol 108 (2014), pp.56001 (1-6)
Effect of TiO2 Nano-Filler and EC Plasticizer on Electrical and Thermal Properties of Poly (ethylene oxide) Based Solid Polymer Electrolytes, K. Vignarooban, M.A.K.L. Dissanayake, I. Albinson and B.-E. Mellander, Solid State Ionics, vol. 266 (2014), pp. 25-28
Corrosion Resistance of Hastelloys in Molten Metal-Chloride Heat-Transfer Fluids for Concentrating Solar Power Applications, K. Vignarooban, P. Pugazhendhi, C. Tucker, D. Gervasio and A.M. Kannan, Solar Energy, vol. 103 (2014), pp. 62-69
Arsenic Sulphide (As4S4) Nano-particles: Physico-Chemical Properties and Anti-Cancer Effects, P. Balaz, J. Sedlak, M. Pastorek, D. Cholujova, K. Vignarooban, S. Bhosle, P. Boolchand, Z. Bujnakova, E. Dutkova, O. Kartachova and B. Stalder, Journal of Nano-Research, vols. 18-19 (2012), pp. 149- 155
Glass Homogeneity Precursive to Self-Organization, P. Boolchand, S. Bhosle, K. Gunasekera, K. Vignarooban and S. Chakraborty, Journal of Optoelectronics and Advanced Materials, vol. 13 (11-12) (2011), pp. 1353- 1358
Poly (ethylene oxide) Based, Anion Conducting Solid Polymer Electrolytes for PEC Solar Cells, T.M.W.J. Bandara, M.A.K.L. Dissanayake, O.A. Ileperuma, K. Varaprathan, K. Vignarooban and B.-E. Mellander, Journal of Solid State Electrochemistry, vol. 12 (7-8) (2008), pp. 913-917
Electrical Conductivity Enhancement in (PEO)9(LiCF3SO3) Polymer Electrolyte due to the Addition of NiCl2, K. Vignarooban, M.A.K.L. Dissanayake and R.S.P. Bokalawela, Ceylon Journal of Science (Physical Sciences), vol. 10 (2005), pp. 97-103
In-vitro Testing of Arsenic Sulfide Nano-Particles for the Treatment of Multiple Myeloma Cells, P. Balaz, J. Sedlak, M. Pastorek, D. Cholujova, K. Vignarooban, S. Bhosle, P. Boolchand, M. Fabian and Z. Bujnakova, Proceedings of NanoTech Conference and Expo, Boston, Massachusetts, June 13-16, 2011, vol. 3, pp.412-415
Effect of Different Types of Ceramic Nano-fillers on Thermal and Transport Properties of PEO9LiTf Solid Polymer Electrolyte, K. Vignarooban, B.-E. Mellander, I. Albinson and M.A.K.L. Dissanayake, Solid State Ionics, Proceedings of the 10th Asian Conference on Solid State Ionics, Kandy, Sri Lanka, June 12-16, 2006, pp. 623- 630
International conferences / workshop / Invited Talk / study visit
Workshop on “Materials Science for Energy Storage”, International Center for Theoretical Physics, Trieste, Italy, May 11-15, 2015 (Poster Presentation)
4th Workshop on Thin-film Solar Cells and Their Science and Technology, University Peradeniya, Sri Lanka, February 27-28, 2015
Nano- and Giga-Challenges in Electronics, Photonics and Renewable Energy, Phoenix, AZ, USA, March 10-14, 2014 (Poster Presentation)
10th Pacific Rim Conference on Glass and Ceramic Technology, James C. Phillips Honorary Symposium, San Diego, CA, USA, June 2-7, 2013 (Invited Talk)
73rd International Conference on Glass Problems, Cincinnati, OH, USA, October 1-3, 2012
Conference of Glass and Optical Materials Division, American Ceramic Society, St. Louis, MO, USA, May 20-24, 2012 (Oral Presentation)
Meeting of American Physical Society, Boston, MA, USA, February 27-March 02, 2012 (Oral Presentation)
Meeting of American Physical Society, Dallas, TX, USA, March 21-25, 2011 (Oral Presentation)
TA Instruments Technology Seminar, Cincinnati, OH, USA, October 20, 2010
19th Annual Spectroscopic Solutions Seminar Series organized by Thermo-Scientific, West Chester, OH, USA, September 21, 2010
Conference of Glass and Optical Materials Division, American Ceramic Society, Corning, NY, USA, May 16-20, 2010 (Oral Presentation)
Meeting of American Physical Society, Portland, OR, USA, March 15-19, 2010 (Oral Presentation)
Meeting of American Physical Society, Pittsburgh, PA, USA, March 16-20, 2009 (Oral Presentation)
10th Asian Conference on Solid State Ionics, Kandy, Sri Lanka, June 12-16, 2006 (Oral Presentation)
Workshop on “Physics for Renewable Energy”, International Center for Theoretical Physics, Trieste, Italy, October 17-29, 2005
Summer College on “Dynamics of Colloidal Systems”, University of Gothenburg, Gothenburg, Sweden, August 11-26, 2005
General-Physics workshop for the celebration of “World Year of Physics – 2005”, University of Bergen, Norway, August 8-10, 2005
15th International Conference on Solid State Ionics, Baden-Baden, Germany, July 17-22, 2005 (Poster Presentation)